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Bank Reconciliation

In-Person Payments

In some cases, from the perspective of tracking the banking operation, it may be useful to issue a reference number at the beginning of the operation. This way, when reconciling the numbers with the bank, each operation can be identified by the reference number. In the bank's nomenclature, this number is known as P37 or operation reference number.

For a financial operation to be initiated with a reference number sent by the POS application, the message header must be modified such that the “ExtraData1” field is populated with a string in XML format:

Soap.BeginSellRequest.Header.ExtraData1 = “<TREF>1234MIP37</TREF>”;

The validation rules employed by the device hub are as follows:

  • If the field is empty or does not have an XML format, this field will be ignored. The counter of the PIN Pad will be used as Sipay normally does, since this field is mandatory by the PUC protocol.

In case data exists, it must comply with the following rules:

  • Minimum Length 4 characters.
  • Maximum Length 12 characters.
  • The first 4 characters must be numeric.
  • The next 8 can be letters or numbers without special characters or spaces [a..z][A..Z] [0-9].

In case of a format failure, the device hub will return code 1001, ERROR IN TREF FORMAT when delivering during the confirmation of the request reception process.


Soap.BeginSellRequest.Header.ExtraData1 = “<TREF>BAD!</TREF>”;
Response = BeginSellTransaction(Request);

if Response.Result.Code <> 0 BEGIN PRINT (Response.Result.Description);
PRINT (Response.Result.Code);

Online Payments

In the case of e-commerce, the field that allows for bank reconciliation is called:


It has the same rules as in the explanation of the previous section and must use the Norma 43 file from your bank to perform the complete reconciliation.

You can review the e-commerce API for card payments on the following page:

API for online card payments